Important Tips about Investment and Financing for You


It is not a matter of income. The real question is whether you can invest and manage money. What are the investment and financing skills? The following small editor will introduce it to you, and I hope it will help you!

Pay attention to keeping good credit record

Many people may not pay attention to personal credit, or even think that it does not play a significant role. In fact, credit records are intangible assets for individuals. Although they are intangible, they will play a role when they need to buy a house and a car with loans. Generally speaking, the higher the credit rating score, the lower the loan interest rate enjoyed by the house and car loans, which is virtually saving money for themselves, Therefore, we can generally use credit cards to accumulate our own credit records, and maintaining a good credit record will not only make it easier to borrow money, but also make proper debt financing, which will kill two birds with one stone.

Learn to avoid the risk of wealth loss

In the current period of asset allocation shortage, a slight carelessness in fund allocation will cause the loss of wealth. Moreover, after the banks have "cut reserve requirements and interest rates" for several times, the money in the bank is actually depreciating and shrinking, which belongs to the risk category of wealth loss. Therefore, in the period of low interest rate and asset allocation shortage, we should avoid the risk of wealth loss through various ways. On the one hand, the allocation of wealth management products is diversified and investment risks are dispersed, but it is better not to exceed three categories; On the other hand, we should learn to use professional financial institutions to select financial products that can effectively control the investment risks, rather than blindly pursuing high returns.

Make a good financial budget

With a budget, you will be more clear about your revenue and expenditure path; Without a budget, personal wealth will be lost like water. By scientifically formulating your own financial budget and bookkeeping, you will know more clearly which part of your spending is unnecessary and more easily control your wealth. We should be clear about how much we will save and spend in the next year or month. We should know the specific expenses and income of families. It is better to save money every month, so that we can have capital for investment and financing in the future.

Start saving as soon as possible

After all, the accumulation of original capital can not be completed overnight. If you accumulate the capital for investment and financing early, you can realize your financial freedom early. As for saving, you can force yourself to do it in a variety of ways. First, you can open a petty savings and lump sum withdrawal account in the bank and put the balance of your salary into this account every month; The second is to adopt the fixed investment method of the fund, and invest in the designated fund in a fixed amount every month, so that your wealth can accumulate, the investment cost can be shared equally, the overall investment risk can be reduced, and it is expected that you can also obtain higher investment income than the fixed deposit in the bank. However, the fixed investment of the fund cannot avoid the inherent risk of the fund investment, and you need to be good at controlling and screening in this regard.

Let idle funds flow

Only when idle funds flow, can they achieve greater value. They are all placed in banks. At the current low interest rate level, it is obviously not the best choice. After leaving enough emergency reserve funds, you can take out the remaining part of funds to allocate financial products. The investment risk depends on your own investment situation. Fixed income financial products, bonds Trust and fund are alternative financing channels.


Based on the above skills, we believe that you can also grasp the direction of investment and financing and realize wealth freedom as soon as possible.